Basic support services include: Windows Reload, Data Transfer and Virus Cleanup, but we also support Business Computer Networks, Business Software Solutions, Voice Over IP Telephone (VOIP) Setup, Backup Solutions, Email Solutions and much more.
Generally for new Business Customers we like to provide a FREE initial consult up to an hour, to survey your network, make recommendations, and propose solutions for your unique business requirements.
Your budget defines how much can be done, but we can show you ways to save money and increase productivity of your employees from every workstation and server in your network.
If you are running a business and do not have at least some kind of back up solution to protect your data, I would recommend you give us a call so we can help get your IMPORTANT data secured!
Call us at (928) 775-3000 Monday – Friday 10 AM to 6 PM.
Custom Computers, Servers, Gaming Rigs
Desktop and Laptop Hardware Upgrade
Retail Computer Parts and Accessories
Virus Cleanup and Tuneup
Windows Reload
Data Backup and Restore
Plastics and Hinge Epoxy Repairs
Computer Training Sessions