Google has changed alot over the years and it’s hard to keep up with the latest trends. We can help you focus on the most important parts of local Google Business marketing to boost your business presence where it matters. Call for a free brief consultation and make a training appointment to get started on growing your local market share of business. (928) 775-3000

The basics of Google Search Engine Optimization have not changed much at all, but they have clamped down on the ability for people to abuse and manipulate search engine results. The focus of Google is now on local marketing utilizing Google Places attached to local business locations.

Around 2013, Google really started making it hard for mom and pop businesses to gain national search engine results. So the focus has changed to local businesses that offer legitimate products and services.

One of the key changes I noticed from doing constant research on SEO is that GOOGLE said this, “We are going to give authority in search results to entities that already have authority.” This seemed so unfair at first to me, but really what this means is that websites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Yelp and Dex (phone book website) would have the top ten spots on Google SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages). So the game changed massively right there.

Now it’s important for your business to be represented in the most common social networks and advertising results websites.  It logically follows that your most important time investments should be in creating content for your business on these types of websites.

Lastly, I started to say to all my clients that, “In order to look like you have something going on, you HAVE to have SOMETHING GOING ON.” The point being, if you get great search engine results placement on a Google Search Engine Results Page but your content is terrible, or lacking in substance, the user who reaches your page is not going to magically make your business into something it’s not. You have to have substance as a business owner, and offer products and services that people want and need in order to be successful.

Tri City Computers serves Prescott Valley, Prescott, Chino Valley and Dewey-Humboldt. (928) 775-3000.

We are glad to consult with you about Search Engine Optimization for your local area and train you how to take responsibility for growing your own business to attract more customers.